Welcome to The Clayroom!
How it Works
In-Store Painting is "AS EASY AS 1-2-3…"
- Piece: Simply walk-in (no reservations) and choose a piece of ceramic from the shelves.
- Paint: Easy ceramic painting instructions via QR codes & friendly staff to help.
- Pickup: leave item for 1 week to be clear glazed and kiln fired to make it fully functional. (more info on Our Studio)
Items are ready 1 week later & held for 30 days for pickup
1st come 1st served, NO RESERVATIONS (unless booking party of 10+ people, see adult party page)
HOLD items may be painted on WEEKDAYS ONLY, held for 30 days. NOT available during March break, winter break or reading week.
Shop Online
- Browse through our most popular pieces and collections online. HUGE selection in store, not posted online!
- Select your piece(s) and add CLEAR GLAZE/FIRE option
- Add paints & brushes if needed.
- We’ll prepare your order within 48 hours for pick-up at the studio.
- Return your painted piece(s) to the store with easy curbside drop-off to be professionally glazed and kiln-fired to a brilliant food-safe finish.
- Items are ready 1 week later and guaranteed available for 30 days.
PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS (click here to open instructions)
Give the Gift of Creativity
Give the gift of 'Artistic Expression' and family fun. E-Gift Cards will be emailed directly to the recipient with your special message. They are redeemable online and in-store. Available in denominations of $10-$25-$50-$75-$100.
Shop Collections
Baby Prints and Memories
Baby Prints are a great way to celebrate holidays, birthdays, milestones and events.
Mugs, Plates, Tiles, Platters and so many more possibilities